The Casino Industry Opposes the Privatization of Water in Canada

The water privatization policy was introduced in 1991 by the government of Prime Minister Robert Bourassa and his successor, Daniel Johnson. The main goal of this policy was to increase Quebecers' access to drinking water and reduce the price they paid for their water services. This plan involved allowing for the transfer of part of the management and operation of water services to private enterprises. It also included the creation of a new governing body called the "Conseil de l'eau" (Council on Water). The Minister of Natural Resources at the time, Guy Chevrette, presented his bill on water management to the National Assembly in 1991. The bill was passed by the National Assembly and became law (Loi sur l'eau). Over the following years, several amendments to this law were made. Among these amendments was one which created a new category of water services, called "services de distribution d'eau potable" (water distribution services), which could be transferred to private companies.

The privatization of water services in Quebec has been met with mixed reactions over the years. Some people argue that it has helped to improve access to drinking water and has led to a reduction in the price of water services. Others argue that it has had negative consequences, such as the deterioration of infrastructure and an increase in water rates.

The Conseil de l'eau is a body created by the Quebec government to oversee the management and operation of water services in the province. It is responsible for ensuring that private companies comply with the law and that water services are provided in a safe and efficient manner. The Conseil de l'eau is also responsible for setting water rates.

In order to transfer a water service to a private company, the government must first issue a call for proposals. This call for proposals is published in the Quebec Gazette and it outlines the specific water services that are up for privatization. Proposals submitted by different companies are evaluated according to criteria set out in the call for proposals. After this evaluation is complete, the responsibility of providing water services is transferred to the private company or enterprises that submitted an acceptable proposal (Conseil de l'eau & Société d'assainissement de Montréal, 2009).

In Canada, there is a growing movement against the privatization of water resources. One of the leading voices in this movement is the casino industry.

Casinos are concerned that water privatization will lead to increased costs for their businesses. They argue that private companies will charge exorbitant rates for water, which casinos will then have to pass onto their customers. This could lead to a significant decline in casino revenue, with devastating consequences for the industry as a whole.

Sol Casino in Canada is concerned about the quality of private water supplies. Private companies may prioritize making a profit over environmental concerns, and this could lead to lower-quality water in the future. People who drink this water will be at risk of health problems and will ultimately experience diminished quality of life as a result. Canada's freshwater habitats are already under threat from industry, pollution, and climate change. Furthermore, research has shown that private water companies are not always transparent about the quality of their water. They may not be upfront about any health risks that come with drinking their water. This is a huge concern, because people have a right to know what they're drinking.

If the privatization of water resources in Canada goes ahead, the casino industry will take a strong stand against it. Industry representatives urge lawmakers to think carefully before making any decisions about water privatization and to consider the negative consequences it could have for both businesses and residents.

Water is an essential part of life, and it's important that we protect our freshwater habitats. Private companies should not be allowed to ruin our water supplies for the sake of profit. We need to stand up for our environment, and make sure that private companies are held accountable for their actions. If we don't take a stand now, our water supplies could be in danger of disappearing altogether. We need to act fast if we want to save our planet.

Hydro One Not For Sale, a campaign of The Citizens Coalition Against Privatization (CCAP)
Hydro One Pas à vendre!, une campagne de la Coalition des citoyens contre la privatisation (CCCP)