About Us

It won’t be easy, but we CAN stop the government from privatizing our hydro system. It will take action from as many of us as possible.

Here are just a few of the things you can do:

  • Visit, like, and most importantly, SHARE our Facebook page—once they understand what’s to lose, many of your friends and family will probably want to stop this privatization scheme, too!
  • Follow and retweet our Twitter feed.
  • Attend a meeting of the campaign’s local chapter. (To ensure we have your email to let you know about meetings and events being held by your local chapter, sign up here.)

Hydro One Not For Sale, a campaign of The Citizens Coalition Against Privatization (CCAP)

The Ontario government’s scheme to privatize hydro will have consequences for every single person in the province. With no consultation or debate, the government empowered itself to carry out this scheme in the spring 2015 budget bill. Despite widespread criticism and dissent, the government has wrapped this massive privatization process in secrecy and is moving ahead without accountability or transparency.

In Ontario, hydro has been in public hands for more than a century. Experience shows that whenever hydro is privatized, no matter where in the world, the results are disastrous. As both consumers and taxpayers, citizens end up suffering. Here in Canada, for example, Nova Scotians are paying more money for less reliable hydro thanks to privatization.

The Citizens Coalition Against Privatization (CCAP) is a broad, non-partisan group of Ontarians working together on this campaign:

Hydro One logo EN no web info

There isn’t a single person who doesn’t depend in some way on hydro. Student, patient, parent, tenant, worker, farmer, small business owner, retiree: we all need reliable and affordable hydro.

Supporting the campaign is an advisory group of prominent citizens, community leaders, and civil society activists who recognize that privatizing hydro will do widespread damage. The group also includes people from outside Ontario with expertise or experience in the provision of electricity to communities.

Some members of the group are heavily involved with the operation of the campaign while others, busy with their own pursuits, have simply lent their names in support. But they all share in common the strong conviction that the privatization of essential public services is a serious mistake and, together, they are saying: “Hydro One Not For Sale.”

Hydro One Not For Sale, a campaign of The Citizens Coalition Against Privatization (CCAP)
Hydro One Pas à vendre!, une campagne de la Coalition des citoyens contre la privatisation (CCCP)